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Optionals and Error Handling

Optionals in C3 work differently from other languages:

  1. It is similar to a “Result” type in capabilities.
  2. It is not quite a type: it can be used for variable and return values - but not for parameters or struct member types.
  3. It “cascades” the optional-ness of an expression, somewhat reminiscent of the “flatmap” operation.
  4. A function called with an Optional is only invoked if it has an actual value.

What is an Optional?

In C3 it is either:

  1. A variable that works as a union between a fault value and an actual value, we call this latter the “result”.
  2. A return value that is either a fault or a result.

We can construct an Optional by adding the ! suffix to a type:

int! a; // An optional value with the result type of "int"
fn int! foo() // A function returning an optional value with the result type of "int"

It is not possible to create an Optional of an Optional (so for example int!! is never valid).

Using a variable or return with an Optional type yields an optional:

int! a = ...
fn int! foo() { ... }
double! x = a * 3.14159;
double! y = foo() * 0.3333333333;
double! z = x * y;

Similar to basic operations it’s possible to use an Optional value as a call parameter. The return value then becomes Optional

int! a = ...
fn double bar(int x) { ... }
// "bar" can be called because the result type of the Optional is "int"
// but the return value will become Optional:
double! x = bar(a);

Optional execution

The most important feature of Optionals is how it will only optionally execute operations. Given a call with the arguments a0, a1, … the call will only be invoked if all of the arguments evaluate to real values.

int! a = 1;
int! b = MyResult.FOO?;
// "baz" called, because "a" is has a result.
int! z = baz(a, a); // same as z = bar(1, 1)
// "baz" is not called, because "b" evaluates to a fault
int! y = baz(a, b);
// Due to evaluation ordering "abc" is called, but not "def" nor "baz":
int! x = baz(abc(a), def(b));
// Due to evaluation ordering none of "abc", "def" or "baz" is called:
int! x2 = baz(def(b), abc(a));

We can think of the above example int! x = baz(a, b) as the following:

  1. Evaluate the first argument.
  2. If it is a fault then we’re done, set x to this fault.
  3. Evaluate the second argument.
  4. If it is a fault then we’re done, set x to this fault.
  5. Execute baz with the result values from the arguments.

Optional execution allows us to avoid dealing with intermediary errors, we can simply collect them together:

int! x = foo_return_optional(other_return_optional(optional_value))

Optional unwrapping

It’s not possible to assign an Optional to a non-optional type:

int! a = ...
int b = a; // <- ERROR, can't assign "int!" to "int"

To assign it we have two options, if-try and implicit unwrap.


If-try tests an Optional and executes the “then” part if the value is a result.

int! a = ...;
int b;
if (try int x = a)
// This part only executes if "a" has a result.
b = x;

There are abbreviated variants of if-try:

if (try x = a) { ... } // Infer type of "x"
if (try a) { ... } // Unwrap "a" inside of this context.

It is possible to add conditions to an if-try but they must be joined with && “or” (i.e. ||) is not allowed:

if (try a && try z && a > z)
// Only executes if a and z have results
// *and* a > z
// if (try a || try z) { ... } <- ERROR!


If-catch works the other way and only executes if the Optional is a fault:

if (catch anyfault f = a)
// Handle the fault

Just like for if-try there are abbreviated variants:

if (catch f = a) { ... } // "f" has the type of "anyfault"
if (catch a) { ... } // Discards the actual fault value

It is possible to catch multiple errors by grouping them with ,:

if (catch f = a, b, foo())
// Returns the fault from a, b or foo()
// trying each in order.
// foo() is only called if neight a nor b has a fault.

Implicit unwrapping with if-catch.

If an if-catch returns or jumps out of the current scope in some way, then the variable becomes implicit unwrapped to its result type in that scope:

int! a = foo_may_error();
if (catch a)
// a is now considered a plain int:
int b = a;

Getting the fault without unwrapping

If-catch is not necessary in order to get the underlying fault from any Optional. Instead the macro @catch may be used.

int! a = ...
anyfault f = @catch(a);
if (!f)
// No error!

If-catch switching

If-catch can also immediately switch on the fault value:

if (catch a)
case MyResult.FOO:
case IoError.NO_SUCH_FILE:
case IoError.FILE_NOT_DIR:

The above being equivalent to:

if (catch f = a)
switch (f)
case MyResult.FOO:
case IoError.NO_SUCH_FILE:
case IoError.FILE_NOT_DIR:

Testing for a result without unwrapping

The @ok macro will return true is an Optional is a result and false it is a fault. Functionally it is equivalent to !@catch

int! a = ...
bool was_ok = @ok(a);
assert(was_ok == !@catch(a));

fault and anyfault

Faults are defined similar to simple enums:

fault MyResult

The union of all of such types is anyfault:

MyResult foo = MyResult.UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
anyfault x = foo;
x = IoError.NO_SUCH_FILE; // Also ok

Setting the result and the fault

To set the result of an Optional, use regular assignment, and to set the fault ? suffix operator.

int! a = 1;
int! b = MyResult.UNEXPECTED_ERROR?; // <- '?' sets the fault
MyResult foo = MyResult.UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
anyfault bar = IoError.NO_SUCH_FILE;
int! c = foo?; // c has the fault MyResult.UNEXPECTED_ERROR
int! d = bar?; // d has the fault IoError.NO_SUCH_FILE?

Rethrow, or-else and force unwrap

Three helper operators are provided for working with Optionals: rethrow !, or-else ?? and force unwrap !!.


Sometimes the optional fault needs to be propagated upwards, here is an example:

int! a = foo_may_error();
if (catch f = a)
return f?; // Pass the fault upwards.

To simplify this the rethrow operator ! can be used:

// Equivalent to the code above.
int! a = foo_may_error()!;

Because the rethrow operator automatically returns on a fault, the return value turns into its result. In the above example the type of foo_may_error()! becomes int:

int b = foo_may_error()!; // This works


Sometimes we have this situation:

int! a_temp = foo_may_error();
int a;
if (try a_temp)
a = a_temp;
a = -1;

The or-else operator ?? works similar to ?: allowing you to do this in a single expression:

// Equivalent to the above
int a = foo_may_error() ?? -1;

Force unwrap

Sometimes a fault is completely unexpected, and we want to assert if it happens:

int! a = foo_may_error();
if (catch f = a)
unreachable("Unexpected fault %s", f);
... use "a" as int here ...

The force unwrap operator !! allows us to express this similar to rethrow and or-else:

int a = foo_may_error()!!;

No void! variables

The void! type has no possible representation as a variable, and may only be a return type. To store the result of a void! function, one can use the @catch macro to convert the result to an anyfault:

fn void! test() { ... }
anyfault f = @catch(test());


Basic usage with immediate error handling

// Open a file, we will get an optional result:
// Either a File* or an error.
File*! file = file::open("foo.txt");
// We can extract the optional result value using "catch"
if (catch f = file)
// Might print "Error was FILE_NOT_FOUND"
io::printfn("Error was %s",;
// Might print "Error code: 931938210"
io::printfn("Error code: %d", (uptr)err);
// Because of implicit unwrapping, the type of
// `file` is File* here.

We can also execute just in case of success:

File*! file2 = file::open("bar.txt");
// Only true if there is an expected result.
if (try file2)
// Inside here file2 is a regular File*

Composability of calls

fn int! foo_may_error() { ... }
fn int mult(int i) { ... }
fn int! save(int i) { ... }
fn void test()
// "mult" is only called if "fooMayError()"
// returns a non optional result.
int! j = mult(foo_may_error());
int! k = save(mult(foo_may_error()));
if (catch f = k)
// The fault may be from foo_may_error
// or save!

Returning a fault

Returning a fault looks like a normal return but with the ?

fn void! find_file()
if (file::exists("foo.txt")) return IoError.FILE_NOT_FOUND?;
/* ... */

Calling a function automatically returning any optional result

The ! suffix will create an implicit return on a fault.

fn void! find_file_and_test()
// Implictly:
// if (catch f = find_file()) return f?;

Force unwrapping to panic on fault

The !! will issue a panic if there is a fault.

fn void find_file_and_test()
// Implictly:
// if (catch find_file()) unreachable("Unexpected error");

Catching faults to implicitly unwrap

Catching faults and then exiting the scope will implicitly unwrap the variable:

fn void find_file_and_no_fault()
File*! res = find_file();
if (catch res)
io::printn("An error occurred!");
// Jump required for unwrapping!
// res is implicitly unwrapped here.
// and have an effective type of File*.

Only run if there is no fault

fn void do_something_to_file()
void! res = find_file();
if (try res)
io::printn("I found the file");

Catching and switch on fault

fn void! find_file_and_parse2()
if (catch f = find_file_and_parse())
io::printn("Error loading the file!");
return f?;

Default values using or-else

fn int get_int()
return get_int_number_or_fail() ?? -1;

Get the fault from an optional without if-catch

fn void test_catch()
int! i = get_something();
anyfault maybe_fault = @catch(i);
if (maybe_fault)
// Do something with the fault

Test if something has a value without if-try

fn void test_something()
int! i = try_it();
bool worked = @ok(i);
if (worked)
io::printn("Horray! It worked.");

Some common techniques

Here follows some common techniques using optional values.

Catch and return another error

In this case we don’t want to return the underlying fault, but instead return out own replacement error.

fn void! return_own()
int! i = try_something() ?? OurError.SOMETHING_FAILED?;
.. do things ..
fn void! return_own_rethrow()
int i = try_something() ?? OurError.SOMETHING_FAILED?!; // Cause immediate rethrow
.. do things ..

Using void! as a boolean

A common pattern in C is to use a boolean result to indicate success. void! can be used in a similar way:

// C
bool store_foo(Foo* f)
if (!foo_repository_is_valid()) return false;
return foo_repo_store_foo(f);
void test()
Foo* f = foo_create();
if (store_foo(f))
puts("Storage worked");
// C3
fn void! store_foo(Foo* f)
if (!foo_repository_is_valid()) return FooFaults.INVALID_REPO?;
return foo_repo_store_foo(f);
fn void test()
Foo* f = foo_create();
if (@ok(store_foo(f)))
io::printn("Storage worked");

Interfacing with C

For C the interface to C3, the fault is returned as the regular return while the result is passed by reference:

C3 code:

fn int! get_value();

Corresponding C code:

c3fault_t get_value(int *value_ref);

The c3fault_t is guaranteed to be a pointer sized value.